Three different habitats coexist at Peñarrubias [steppe plateau,  Mediterranean forest and river bank] where some species in danger of  extinction live, together with the most characteristic ones, due to the  great environmental quality.  The steppe plateau includes extensive cereal crops; the forest, holm oaks  and savins, with a rich diversity of bushes and autochthone herbs; and the  river bank is populated by black poplars, willows and ash trees.  It is usual to see couples of roe deers at dusk, as well as foxes, hares  and goats grazing on the cliffs; crabs and trouts in the river, and a wide  range of ornithological species such as birds of prey [milano real,  ratonero común, buitre leonado y negro, alimoche, aguilucho cenizo,  cernícalo…], passeriformes [pinzón, jilguero, mirlo, zorzal, oropéndola,  cogujada, triguero, pardillo…] and others [perdiz, roquero solitario,  abejaruco, pico picapinos, garza real and many others].  If you are lucky and keep your eyes open, you can also see rarer species  such as wolves, wild boars, badgers, eagle owls, golden eagle,  kingfishers…, and a lovely family of otters in the river.  
CASA RURAL   EL ALIMOCHE.     					         C/ El Parral, 12   40393 Peñarrubias de Pirón - Segovia -							0034 659 01 69 75  -  0034 670 31 79 62